Too often, brushing and flossing can become an afterthought, especially when kids are less than excited about it to begin with. Here are a few tips to make brushing and flossing fun (and regular) in your household:

Too often, brushing and flossing can become an afterthought, especially when kids are less than excited about it to begin with. Here are a few tips to make brushing and flossing fun (and regular) in your household:
If you or your child’s gums bleed from routine brushing and flossing you should understand that this is not normal. If left untreated, gum disease may mean that teeth are lost or have to be removed.
When a dental emergency occurs, it’s essential to get prompt treatment. Of course, the first (and best) step is to…
The time when your child’s school serves lunch to when your family eats dinner often means that little tummies need…
Not all children suck their thumbs or fingers and for those that do, it’s not always problematic. For some children,…
Teething can be an uncomfortable time for babies, with little gums experiencing tenderness and swelling as emerging teeth break through…
Use music or video to keep kids brushing longer. One of the biggest challenges to adequate brushing is getting kids…
You don’t have to totally abandon care for your teeth in order to have a good time during the holidays. Here are three great ideas to keep you smiling this July 4th weekend.